Welcome to the online registration/volunteer signup page for 316 Fellowship Church. Below are the volunteer opportunities currently available.
316 Greeters
Do you have a compassion to serve a welcoming presence or a congenial personality? If any and all of those describe you, then we have a wonderful opportunity to serve. Please sign-up today to be the cheerful greeter welcoming 316’s members and guests.
I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of God than dwell in the tents of wickedness Psalms 84:10
316 Toddler Ministry
Do you believe you have a passion to teach impressionable toddlers? 316 is looking for eager and able volunteers to teach the words of God to our toddlers ministry. If that is you, please sign up today to be one of our toddler teachers.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
Discovery Closet
Spend time assisting Discovery High School with their Clothes Closet stocked for the students of Discovery High School. For this outreach you will re-organize and fold clothing in the closet. It is a tremendous help to the staff and they greatly appreciate our assistance. The Discovery Closet is from 11:30am to approximately 1pm. Click the link and volunteer now!